The syllabus is based on 1) DigCompEdu framework and 2) the results of a Digi Teachers project survey that was carried out in each partner country of the project.
Syllabus is divided into three modules and some areas of expertise under each module:
The teacher can identify, assess, and select digital resources to support and enhance teaching and learning as well as consider the learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group. They can modify and build on existing openly licensed and other resources as well as create new digital educational resources considering the learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group. They can organise digital content and make it available to learners, parents and other educators and effectively protect sensitive digital content. They can also respect and correctly apply privacy and copyright rules as well as understand the use and creation of open licenses and open educational resources.
After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Digital resources the teacher is able to:
Use and select digital resources:
Create and modify digital resources:
Manage, protect, and share digital resources:
The teacher can implement digital devices and resources in the teaching process and enhance the effectiveness of teaching interventions. They can manage and orchestrate digital teaching interventions and experiment and develop new pedagogical methods for instruction. The teacher can use digital technologies and services to enhance the interaction with learners, individually and collectively, within and outside the classroom. They can use digital technologies to offer timely and targeted guidance and assistance to learners. Digital technologies can be used to foster and enhance collaboration, enabling learners to use digital technologies as part of collaborative assignments. They can use digital technologies to support self-regulated learning and provide evidence of progress.
After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Teaching and learning the teacher is able to:
Collaborative learning
Self-regulated learning
The teacher can ensure accessibility to learning resources and activities for all learners, including those with special needs. They can respond to learners’ expectations, abilities, uses and misconceptions, as well as contextual, physical, or cognitive constraints to their use of digital technologies. The teacher can use digital technologies to address learners’ diverse learning needs and follow individual learning pathways and objectives. They can use digital technologies to foster learners’ active and creative engagement with a subject matter. They can use digital technologies within pedagogic strategies that foster learners’ transversal skills and creative expression. They can open learning to new, real-world contexts to increase learners’ active involvement in complex subject matters.
After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Empowering learners the teacher is able to:
Accessibility and inclusion
Differentiation and personalisation
Actively engaging learners