Digi Teachers


The syllabus is based on 1) DigCompEdu framework and 2) the results of a Digi Teachers project survey that was carried out in each partner country of the project. 

Syllabus is divided into three modules and some areas of expertise under each module: 

  • Selecting digital resources 
  • Creating and modifying digital resources 
  • Managing, protecting, and sharing digital resources 
  • Teaching 
  • Guidance 
  • Collaborative learning 
  • Self-regulated learning 
  • Accessibility and inclusion 
  • Differentiation and personalisation 
  • Actively engaging learners 

The teacher can identify, assess, and select digital resources to support and enhance teaching and learning as well as consider the learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group. They can modify and build on existing openly licensed and other resources as well as create new digital educational resources considering the learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group. They can organise digital content and make it available to learners, parents and other educators and effectively protect sensitive digital content. They can also respect and correctly apply privacy and copyright rules as well as understand the use and creation of open licenses and open educational resources. 

After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Digital resources the teacher is able to:

Use and select digital resources: 

  • identify available digital resources for teaching and learning, 
  • critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of digital sources and resources, 
  • store and organise digital resources for future use, 
  • assess the usefulness of digital resources in addressing the learning objective, the competence level of the learner group as well as the pedagogic approach chosen, 
  • select digital resources for teaching and learning, considering the specific learning context and learning objective, 
  • consider possible restrictions to the use or re-use of digital resources (e.g. copyright, file type, technical requirements, legal provisions, accessibility)


Create and modify digital resources: 

  • identify the permissions for modifying digital resources, 
  • understand different licenses attributed to digital resources and the implications for their re-use, 
  • modify and edit existing digital resources (e.g. images, text, audio and film), 
  • create individually or with others new digital educational resources, 
  • consider the specific learning objective and context when adapting or creating digital learning resources,  
  • consider both pedagogical approach and the learning group when adapting or creating digital learning resources 


Manage, protect, and share digital resources:  

  • share resources using links or as attachments, e.g. to e-mail, 
  • share resources on online platforms or websites/blogs (eg. uploading, linking, embedding), 
  • share personal repositories of resources with others, 
  • manage access and rights when sharing resources with others,  
  • attribute (open) licenses to self-created resources, 
  • respect copyright restrictions to using, re-using and modifying digital resources, 
  • appropriately reference sources when sharing or publishing resources subject to copyright, 
  • restrict access to resources when needed, 
  • protect personal and sensitive data (e.g. students’ personal data, grades, exams), 
  • share administrative and student-related data with colleagues, students, and parents. 


The teacher can implement digital devices and resources in the teaching process and enhance the effectiveness of teaching interventions. They can manage and orchestrate digital teaching interventions and experiment and develop new pedagogical methods for instruction. The teacher can use digital technologies and services to enhance the interaction with learners, individually and collectively, within and outside the classroom. They can use digital technologies to offer timely and targeted guidance and assistance to learners. Digital technologies can be used to foster and enhance collaboration, enabling learners to use digital technologies as part of collaborative assignments. They can use digital technologies to support self-regulated learning and provide evidence of progress.  

After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Teaching and learning the teacher is able to:


  • identify and select the available personal and classroom devices (e.g., computer, tablet, telephone, digital whiteboards, projectors), 
  • use the available digital devices and their basic functions and settings, 
  • recognize some digital pedagogical methodologies (e.g. flipped classroom, blended learning, distance teaching, web based trainings, hybrid teaching), 
  • choose digital technologies according to the learning objective and context, 
  • organise and manage the integration of digital devices (e.g. classroom technologies, students’ devices) into the teaching and learning process, 
  • choose and apply the digital pedagogical methodologies most suitable for their students 


  • recognize different communication channels for interacting with learners, 
  • use the available communication channels and their basic functions and settings, 
  • understand the different needs between an individual learner and groups, 
  • choose suitable interactive communication channels for both individual learners and groups within and outside the learning session, 
  • organise and manage the chosen communication channels into the teaching and learning process, 
  • use the chosen communication channels to listen and respond to learners´ problems, questions and individual support needs 

Collaborative learning 

  • understand the concept of collaborative learning, 
  • identify the key functionalities and principles of different digital technologies (e.g. blogs, wikis, digital presentations, videos) in collaborative learning, 
  • recognize the possibilities of digital technologies as part of collaborative learning, 
  • choose suitable digital technologies for collaborative learning, 
  • guide the learners to use digital technologies as part of collaborative activities,  
  • guide the learners to document their collaborative activities using digital technologies 

Self-regulated learning 

  • understand the concept of self-regulated learning, 
  • identify the available digital technologies for collecting evidence and recording progress, e.g. audios, videos, photos, texts, 
  • use digital technologies in teaching (e.g. ePortfolios, learners’ blogs), 
  • use digital technologies for learner self-assessment, 
  • encourage learners to use digital technologies to collect evidence and record progress, e.g. to produce audio or video recordings, photos, texts,  
  • guide learners to record and showcase their work (e.g. ePortfolios, learners’ blogs), 
  • support learners to use digital technologies for self-assessment. 


The teacher can ensure accessibility to learning resources and activities for all learners, including those with special needs. They can respond to learners’ expectations, abilities, uses and misconceptions, as well as contextual, physical, or cognitive constraints to their use of digital technologies. The teacher can use digital technologies to address learners’ diverse learning needs and follow individual learning pathways and objectives. They can use digital technologies to foster learners’ active and creative engagement with a subject matter. They can use digital technologies within pedagogic strategies that foster learners’ transversal skills and creative expression. They can open learning to new, real-world contexts to increase learners’ active involvement in complex subject matters. 

After participating to the DigiTeachers working Online Training module on Empowering learners the teacher is able to: 

Accessibility and inclusion 

  • recognize ways in which digital technologies can weaken or improve accessibility, 
  • recognize ways in which learners physical or mental constraints and socioeconomic conditions affect the way technology is used, 
  • use compensatory digital technologies suitable for learners in need of special support, 
  • follow the guidelines and legislation regarding accessibility, 
  • ensure that all students have access to the digital resources and technologies used, 
  • adapt digital pedagogical strategies due to different circumstances (e.g. limited usage time, type of device available), 
  • provide alternative or compensatory tools or approaches, if necessary (e.g. as concerns font, size, colours, language, layout, structure). 

Differentiation and personalisation 

  • recognize ways in which digital technologies can support differentiation and personalisation, 
  • use digital technologies to account for different needs, levels, speeds and preferences (e.g. quizzes or games), 
  • enable different learning pathways, levels, and speeds for individual students, 
  • adapt digital-pedagogical strategies to changing circumstances or needs 

Actively engaging learners 

  • recognize ways in which learner’s active use of digital tools can foster motivation and engagement, 
  • use digital technologies to visualise and explain new concepts in a motivating and engaging way (e.g. animations and videos), 
  • utilize in teaching the digital technologies to visualise and explain new concepts in a motivating and engaging way (e.g. animations, videos and games), 
  • choose the most appropriate tool for fostering learner active engagement in a learning context or for a specific learning objective.