Digi Teachers




#empowering #engaging #blendedlearning #preparatorytraining #socialskills #emotionalskills 

WHAT: Wheel of fortune as a discussion starter 

WHY: To encourage to communicate with the classmates, to learn to take initiative and turns in discussion, to rehearse nonverbal communication. 

WHO: Suitable for SNE students in preparatory training, ages 16–20, used in groups of 2–3 students. 

WHAT: Helps to learn social skills, emotional skills and self-knowledge. 

WHICH: Teacher needs a computer and Wordwall license, the game is projected to a screen. 

HOW: Free trial: wordwall.net 



#empowering #engaging #collaboration #groupwork #robotics  

WHAT: Coding with mBots  

WHY: To get to know robots and robotics, to get to know different parts of robots, to get to know basics of  programming, to rehearse  programming  

WHO: Students in this group were 16-18 and had good digital skills.  

WHAT: An easy and fun way to explore robots and robotics, helps to improve group working skills.  

WHICH: mBots  

HOW: More information: oppiva.omnia.fi/robotit  

Link to English instructions.


Discord as a place for free communication 

Screenshot from Discord

#digitalresources #teaching #materialmaking #assessment #blendedlearning #differentiation #commonunits 

 WHAT: Creating a place where students can communicate with each other in a collaborative way. 

WHY: Students have a lot of problems with communication and they generally use a lot of Discord while playing video games. Discord is a “safe place” for them. 

WHO: Suitable especially for students who are gamers and who are familiar with Discord.  

WHAT: In Discord students can communicate with each other wherever they are. 

WHICH: Each student needs a computer or a mobile device. 

HOW: Discord is free for everybody. 


Immersive Reader helps reading 

 #empowering #accessibility   

WHAT: Microsoft’s Immersive Reader enables to read and listen to the text at the same time  

WHY: To be able to concentrate on the essential, to increase reading skills, to increase learner’s self-governess   

WHO: Students who do not read effortlessly  


  • If reading skills are weak, listening and following the text with highlighting can be helpful.  
  • If the text is difficult to understand, picture symbols and highlighting parts of the sentence may help.  
  • If it is difficult to outline the text, aligning the line and modifying the appearance of the text can be helpful.  
  • If you are learning a foreign language, you can use language translations to help. 


WHICH:  Immersive Reader is free of charge and included in several MS Office programs. 

HOW: When using Word, you can open the Immersive Reader, and let it help you.



A screenshot from Kahoot

#engaging #gamification #socialskills  

WHAT: Kahoot games as a way to bring students together 

WHY: To  gather the students together, foster team spirit, help to get to know the other students, have fun together. 

WHO: Students of vocational qualification in business, 10–20 students come to Chill Friday meeting every week. 

WHAT: Even quiet students can participate, fun gaming together eases the atmosphere. 

WHICH: Teacher needs a computer and a Kahoot account, the game is projected to a screen, the students play with their mobile devices. 

HOW: Try for free in kahoot.com. You can create your own kahoots or search for kahoots other people have made. 



A screenshot from Nesplora

 #empowering #accessibility   

WHY: The project involves the use of virtual reality for neuropsychological assessment in individuals with ID (Intellectual Disability) or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). The tool being used is Nesplora, a software that assesses executive functions, attention, and memory through various activities in virtual environments.  

The main objectives are: to assess the cognitive functioning of the individuals we support functional and real-life environments, and to gather performance variables in tasks that will enable us to enhance the support provided to these individuals. 

WHO: It is designed for neurotypical population, and we consider it useful for individuals with ASD level 1 or those with borderline intelligence or mild intellectual disability. Due to the skills required (good verbal comprehension, psychomotor coordination, tolerance for unexpected events or errors), it is not considered suitable for individuals requiring more support or exhibiting concerning behaviors. It is not suitable for individuals with little or no interest in technology. 

WHAT: It allows for a much more realistic assessment of each person’s cognitive functioning, which can be helpful in adapting supports, environments, or activities to match their cognitive profile. Unlike classic neuropsychological tests that use less functional tasks, Nesplora provides highly realistic situations. 

WHICH: For the individual engaging in the activity, they use virtual reality glasses, controllers to perform tasks within the virtual environment, and headphones to hear instructions.  

The evaluator needs to have the software for the various tests on a laptop. From there, they initiate the task and can observe, in real-time, the execution of each activity on the computer screen (seeing exactly what the individual sees through the glasses). 

HOW: We began testing with individuals diagnosed with ASD level 1, individuals with mild ID or borderline intelligence, and several with moderate intellectual disabilities, some of whom exhibited concerning behaviors. We initially targeted around 10 to 12 individuals due to each Nesplora test requiring approximately 45 minutes for execution and its high cost (both in software acquisition and VR technology). We considered focusing on individuals needing certificate renewal, where this test could be useful in aiding assessment, for those whose orientation is unclear, or those experiencing difficulties in their current activities at Esment. However, it did not work well with individuals presenting moderate ID or concerning behaviors. Despite adapting the instructions, they struggled to comprehend or became frustrated upon making mistakes. Three individuals even abandoned the task. Recommendation: Initiate with individuals highly motivated and likely to use the technology effectively. 


Open Badges 

#empowering #engaging #teaching #gamification #assessment #vocationaleducation #preparatorytraining #OpenBadges

Open Badges 

WHAT:  A way and application to recognize and assess skills 

WHY: To make skills visible. To recognize skills regardless of where one has learned them. Skills achieved e.g. in hobbies, voluntary work, work. 

WHO: For teachers whose students are 13 years or older and who want to learn the basics of open badges.  

WHAT: What are digital open badges, how to use them and what the benefits of open badges are. 

WHICH: Computer or mobile device. Website (computer) or application (mobile devices). 

HOW: link to the digiteachers-video 

Learn more and sign up: https://openbadgepassport.com/  

Open Badge Factory for creating open badges: https://openbadgefactory.com/en/  


Padlet: Self-assessment 

#digitalresources #empowering #engaging #teaching #assessment #communication #vocationaleducation #blendedlearning #hybridteaching #distanceteaching #onthejoblearning 

WHAT: A tool for self-assessment by Padlet. 

WHY: To help individuals to reflect and identify their strengths and weaknesses, understand their skills and abilities, take steps to improve their performance and increase self-awareness and self-confidence. 

WHO: All kind of students who have basic digital skills. 

WHAT: The students try to recall and review the trimester and evaluate what are the things they think they need to practice and learn to be able to be more independent but also what are the thigs they are particularly proud of.  

WHICH: Padlet provided by the teacher. 

HOW: Start by rehearsing the use of Padlet at school. Learn to add text, voice, pictures and so on. Learn more: Padlet.com. 


Phone that helps to concentrate 

#empowering #accessibility  

WHAT: Learners can use their own phones to help them to concentrate on studying  

WHY: To be able to remember and to concentrate on the essential, to increase learner’s self-governess  

WHO: Anyone can utilise different apps that help to remember and concentrate, choose the apps that help you and your learners! 

WHAT: Calendar and reminders help to remember important dates. To do lists and memos help to remember important things. Screenshots and photos can also serve as a memory aid. With the help of timers it is easier to concentrate on studying. 



Google Keep, Google Tasks, Microsoft to Do 


Forest (In the beginning of working the user sows a seed that will grow into a tree – but only, if the app is on all the time and the user doesn’t visit other apps.)  

Pomicro (An app that is based on the Pomodoro technique) 

Focus Keeper (An app that is based on the Pomodoro technique) 

Sleep Sounds ja Nature Sounds apps can create a soundscape that suits learning. 

HOW: Get to know your phone and its features. Download new apps that you think could be helpful! 

WHO: For teachers whose students are 13 years or older and who want to learn the basics of open badges.  

WHAT: What are digital open badges, how to use them and what the benefits of open badges are. 

WHICH: Computer or mobile device. Website (computer) or application (mobile devices). 

HOW: link to the digiteachers-video 

Learn more and sign up: https://openbadgepassport.com/  

Open Badge Factory for creating open badges: https://openbadgefactory.com/en/  



#empowering #engaging #gamification #collaboration #groupwork #blendedlearning   

WHAT: Seppo.io / Amazing Race – Orientation of New Students   

WHY: To get to know the school, to get to know the classmates and create team spirit, to learn to use your own telephone when studying.   

WHO: New students, suitable for all ages and also for students with special needs.   

WHAT: Students learn their way in school premises, facilitates making friends, gives sense of autonomy.   

WHICH: Every group needs to have at least one mobile device with an internet connection, and the teacher needs a computer.   

HOW: Go to www.seppo.io and try for free! You can create your own games or use the games other people have made.   



#pictograms #CAA #communication #empowerment   

WHAT: Symwriter is a program that allows you to write texts by obtaining the immediate coupling of symbols to words 

WHY: Symwriter allows those with a reading deficit to actively participate in activities, through the use of pictograms to reinforce or replace writing 

WHO: Suitable for all students who have reading problems 

WHAT: Helps anyone with reading problems 

WHICH:  The teacher must have a computer with an associated license 

HOW: Support: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (not Windows 8 RT), Window 10. Requires Pentium Processor (1.5 GHz) or higher. 650 MB of hard disk space. 1 GB of RAM on XP, 2GB on Vista and Windows 7. Minimum screen resolution 1024 x 768. Price: 240 euros for a single license – 550 euros for a package of 5 licenses. You can download the installation file on the website www.symwriter.it, in the download section, and register to receive a 21-day trial key. 


Wordwall in language learning

#empowering #engaging #blendedlearning #gamification #differentiation #materialproduction #languagestudies #studyskills 

WHAT: Games that help to learn Finnish 

WHY: To learn new words or other language-related topics, to repeate and rehearse, to get to know a new topic, to rehearse basic digital skills (clicking, dragging, opening a link etc.). 

WHO: Suitable for SNE students in study skill studies and Finnish language studies, ages 16 and over. Can be used individually or in a group. 

WHAT: A very good tool when working with students who study Finnish as a second language! For teachers easy and fast to procuce new exercises, for student very easy to use. 

WHICH: Teacher needs a computer and Wordwall license, student needs a computer or a mobile device. 

HOW: Free trial: wordwall.net 


Wordwall, wheel of fortune

#empowering #engaging #blendedlearning #preparatorytraining #socialskills #emotionalskills 

WHAT: Wheel of fortune as a discussion starter 

WHY: To encourage to communicate with the classmates, to learn to take initiative and turns in discussion, to rehearse nonverbal communication. 

WHO: Suitable for SNE students in preparatory training, ages 16–20, used in groups of 2–3 students. 

WHAT: Helps to learn social skills, emotional skills and self-knowledge. 

WHICH: Teacher needs a computer and Wordwall license, the game is projected to a screen. 

HOW: Free trial: wordwall.net 


Train for International Trail – Seppo.io

#empowering #engaging #gamification #collaboration #groupwork #blendedlearning

WHAT: Seppo.io / Train for International Trail

WHY: Students can learn about their exchange country before their exchange period.

WHO: Students who are going to have an exchange abroad, suitable for all ages and also for students with special needs.

WHAT: Students learn about the culture and the language of their exchange country. It is also possible to train traveling with the tasks in the game. At the moment there are questions about five different EU countries.
WHICH: Every student or a group of students needs to have at least one mobile device with an internet connection, and the teacher needs a computer.

HOW: Go to www.seppo.io and try for free! You can create your own games or use the games other people have made.



#empowering #engaging #blendedlearning #preparatorytraining

WHAT: Morning assembly that teaches digital skills

WHY: To activate the students in the beginning of the day, to encourage to communicate with
the classmates, to learn to use computer and search for information.

WHO: Suitable for students aged 16-20 in preparatory training, suitable for students with
special needs, also possible to use with touch screen.

WHAT: An accessible platform that provides symbols, pre-made curriculum and assessment

WHICH: Boardmaker, computer with touch screen, possibility to project computer’s screen to
a big screen.

HOW: Learn more in goboardmaker.com