Digi Teachers

Digi Teachers

Improve your digital skills with an online
training module and follow the example
of other teachers!

The project

The Digi Teachers Working Online project helps VET teaching staff improve their digital skills and competences with a strong link to pedagogy. Teachers will gain new tools, ideas and practices to implement online education, support their studentsdigital skills and network with European colleagues engaged in special education 

Where should you start?

Start to explore the webpage by reading about the training module. Syllabus tells about the content of the training module. The training module is divided into three parts: Digital Resources, Teaching and Learning and Empowering Learners. For each theme there is a toolkit that gives practical examples of how to use digital tools in teaching.

After you have studied the training module, you can evaluate your competence with the evaluation tasks. Any organisation can utilise the material by turning the evaluation tasks into open badges.

We have utilised ChatGPT when masterminding the content of the training module. Copilot has made some of the pictures for us. Artificial intelligence has made language versions for us. Please check the correct terms elsewhere.

Why should you use digital pedagogics in special education in VET?

Equity; everyone has a right to learn digital skills.

Digital skills are the civic skills of today and the future.

Preparing for exceptional situations (The basis of this project was in the teaching situation during COVID.)

Pedagogical benefits:

  • supporting the accessibility of teaching and learning
  • empowering learners 
  • supporting involving and activating ways of working 
  • supporting the sense of community 
  • supporting the guiding of a student
  • supporting the individualising of teaching and learning
  • supporting individual learning paths; actualising, monitoring and leading them
  • enriching teaching and offering alternative methods

The network

There are five project partners: Live Foundation (coordinator) and Tieke in Finland, Amadip Esment in Spain, Arfie in Belgium, Arbeit und Bildung in Germany and OPEN Group in Italy.