Digi Teachers

Open Badges 

Open Badges offer an easy way to demonstrate both new and previously acquired skills. All competences are not visible on school certificates, and often skills remain hidden. As learning happens in various contexts, Open Badges can help to make skills learned at work, hobbies, or voluntary work visible.

Open Badges are digital representations of achievements, skills, or knowledge that individuals have gained. They serve as portable credentials that can be displayed and shared online. Open Badges are often used in education, professional development, and other learning environments to recognize and validate competencies or milestones.

In the Digi Teachers project Open Badges are being used as part of the training evaluation.

Learn to know the basics of Open Badges and how to get started with you own Open Badge account, get acquaintedwith the following materials:

Introduction to Open Badges

Learning objectives: 

  • to learn what digital Open Badges are
  • to learn where to collect the Open Badges
  • to know how to use Open Badges
  • to learn what are the benefits of Open Badges

For whom:

  • for teachers
  • for students ages 13 ->
  • everyone who wants to learn the basics of Open Badges
  • everyone who wants to start earning Open Badges

How to use Open Badge Passport

Learning objectives: 

  • to learn how to create an Open Badge Passport account
  • to learn how to accept badges
  • to learn how to share badges

For whom:

  • for teachers
  • for students ages 13 ->
  • everyone who wants to earn Open Badges

How to become an issuer of DigiTeachers Open Badges?

If your organization is interested in issuing DigiTeachers Open Badges, you have the following options:

  • if your organization is using Open Badge Factory, TIEKE can share the badges to you as copies – you can modify them in the way you want and issue them as your own badges
  • if you are using some other Open Badge Platform (for example Certifier, Accredible or Canvas Credentials), TIEKE can also share the badges with your organisation.


In both cases, please contact TIEKE via email: digiosaaminen@tieke.fi

Evaluation without Open Badges

If you want to evaluate skills without using Open Badges, you can simply copy the evaluation tasks from the website: https://www.digiteachers.eu/evaluation/

You are free to modify the tasks in the way you want and recognise the skills in the way you see fit.